The Conference will be held in July 3-8, 2017 in Tsey – one of the picturesque places of the Re-public of North Ossetia-Alania (Russia). The Conference is organized by the Southern Mathematical Institute – the Affiliate of Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences with the joint support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, North-Ossetian State University and Southern Federal University.

The Program Committee

Andreucci D. (Rome, Italy);
Fang X. (Shanghai, China);
Korobeynik Yu.F. (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
Kutateladze S.S. (Novosibirsk, Russia);
Moslehian M.S. (Mashhad, Iran);
Shabat A.B. (Cherkessk, Russia);
Smirnov E.I. (Yaroslavl, Russia);
Paditz L. (Dresden, Germany );
Weber M. (Dresden, Germany).

The Organizing Committee

Chairman: Kusraev A.G. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Abanin A.V. (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
Abaturova V.S. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Basaeva E.K. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Vatulyan A.O. (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
Vespri V. (Florence, Italy);
Emel'yanov E. Yu. (Ankara, Turkey);
Kalinichenko A.V. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Kamenetcky E.S. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Kunduhova A.G. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Kusraeva Z.A. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Magaril-Il’yaev G.G. (Moscow, Russia); Malova I.E. (Bryansk, Russia);
Revasova E.V. (Vladikavkaz, Russia);
Tedeev A.F. (Tskhinval, the Republic of South Ossetia);
Sharapudinov I.I. (Makhachkala, Russia);
Secretary: Orlova N.S. (Vladikavkaz, Russia).

The Conference program includes plenary lectures (30-40 minutes), contributed talks (15-20 minutes) and short communications. Blackboards and beamer facilities are available.

Conference sections

The Conference languages are Russian and English.

 Conference program.


All Conference participants will be accommodated in two hotels "Skazka" and "Victoria".

Hotel reservation

Please, pay attention that the room reservation for the participants will be carried out by the Organizing Committee. Detailed information concerning placement, conditions of accommodation and prices will be given to the registered participants in the second announcement.

The transfer of the participants from Vladikavkaz to the Conference place will be also organized by the Organizing Committee.


If you require an invitation for a visa, please contact us at

Conference materials

The theses will be available here before the beginning of the Conference. The deadline for the theses submission is June 12, 2017. Registered participants can send their theses to the Organizing Committee at The theses should be formatted with LATEX either in Russian or in English. Please, for our convenience, use your last name to title the file.

Download formatting guidelines and a sample for theses.

The proceedings of the Conference will be published in the next issue of the book "Review of Science. South of Russia. Mathematical forum". The deadline for the articles submission is June 30, 2017. All participants can submit both research papers and survey papers. The contributions will be subject to a refereeing procedure. Registered participants can send their articles to the Organizing Committee at The proceedings should be formatted with LATEX either in Russian or in English. Please, for our convenience, use your last name to title the file.

Download formatting guidelines and a sample for proceedings.

Within the Conference there will also be held the XIII-th Vladikavkazian Mathematical school for Young Scientists for students and young researchers. Where young scientists will have an opportunity to listen to short courses on modern sections of the mathematical analysis and mathematical modeling, the differential equations and numerical methods. The subject of courses will be published on this website no later than June 1, 2017.

Important events

February 25, 2017– Registration Deadline. 
June 12, 2017 – Theses Submission Deadline.
June 30, 2017 – Proceedings  Submission Deadline. 
July 2, 2017 – Arrival. 
July 3, 2017 – Opening.
July 8, 2017 – Departure.

We look forward to your registration and participation in the International Conference "Order Analysis and Related Problems of Mathematical Modeling".